InterAction Quoted

3 Ways Trump’s Travel Ban Could Affect Humanitarian Aid Workers

International humanitarian aid organizations say the travel restrictions issued by President Donald Trump on Saturday could have a dramatic impact on how they operate.

February 15, 2017
Hands reach for a package of food rations amid a large crowd of refugees

InterAction Community Applauds Biden Administration’s Immediate, Principled Leadership

The InterAction community applauds the Biden Administration’s early actions in support of key humanitarian and development issues. These included elevating…

February 4, 2021
Blog Post

Can Afro-Colombian & Indigenous Survivors Access Colombia’s Gender-Based Violence Framework?

Colombia has the second highest number of internally displaced people (IDPs) in the world due to a…

November 6, 2023
Blog Post

A Hidden Reality: Data & Reporting on Sexual Violence Against Men & Boys

This is Part II of “A Hidden Reality,” examining men, boys, and conflict-related sexual violence. Read Part…

June 27, 2023
Blog Post

Forging Ahead: Our NGO Climate Compact Progress Report

The goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels seems to be slipping out of…

February 7, 2023

InterAction Statement Condemning the Actions of the Myanmar Military and Non-State Armed Groups

InterAction condemns egregious actions taken by the Myanmar military and non-state armed groups one year on from the coup and…

February 3, 2022

Letter to National Security Advisor Sullivan on Evacuations of Vulnerable Afghans

On October 28, 2021, over 100 non-governmental organizations, including InterAction, sent the following letter to U.S. National Security Advisor Jake…

November 1, 2021

Letter to Senate Leadership on Evacuation of At-Risk Afghans

In response to recent Congressional action taken on the crisis in Afghanistan—as well as our ongoing obligation to help our…

September 28, 2021

Letter Urging Congress to Support Evacuation and Resettlement for our Afghan Colleagues and Partners

On September 13, 2021, InterAction and the Alliance for Peacebuilding sent the following letter to U.S. House and Senate Leadership:…

September 13, 2021

Joint InterAction and Alliance for Peacebuilding Statement: The U.S. Must Protect Afghan Partners and Civil Society

InterAction and the Alliance for Peacebuilding, the two largest networks of international development, humanitarian, and peacebuilding organizations with…

August 13, 2021