A Letter from Tom Hart

Dear Members of the InterAction community, 

We want to inform you of upcoming changes to our programs and Working Groups, particularly in our humanitarian portfolio. The 90-day pause on all new and existing USG spending has impacted our grant from USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance. Over the next month, we will be making necessary adjustments to our operations and preparing to make significant reductions in staffing across InterAction, primarily affecting our Humanitarian Team.

The InterAction team is comprised of dedicated professionals who are invaluable to our work. They provide expertise and serve as trusted partners to Members, the U.S. Government, and multilateral institutions and support InterAction behind the scenes. They are also valued colleagues and friends.

We know InterAction is not the only organization facing difficult choices in this environment. We will continue to be a resource and platform for this community while we represent and bring a voice to your remarkable work.

Thank you for all that you do.


Tom Hart
President and CEO, InterAction