
Optimizing Armed Actor Engagement for Protection Outcomes
With financial support from USAID, InterAction has developed the Optimizing Armed Actor Engagement for Protection Outcomes training module to help humanitarian actors better leverage existing engagement with armed actors to improve protection outcomes. The module consists of a facilitator’s guide, corresponding PowerPoint presentation, and briefing for facilitators.

Settlements Approach Online Training
This free course by InterAction and USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance introduces the Settlements Approach, a guidance for better integrating, localizing, and focusing humanitarian assistance. Learn the key principles of the approach and how to apply it in response planning as well as implementation and monitoring.

Wider Impacts of Shelter and Settlements Assistance
This one-hour self-paced course provides an introduction to humanitarian shelter and settlements response and its wider impact on other sectors. It emphasizes the need for more collaborative programming to increase the impact of assistance to crises-affected communities.

Gender Equality in Humanitarian Response
This online course, developed by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC), provides the basic steps a humanitarian worker must take to ensure gender equality in programming. The course includes information on the core issues of gender and how it relates to other aspects of humanitarian response. The three hour, self-paced course provides information and scenarios which enable you to practice developing gender-sensitive programming.

Impact Evaluation Guidance Notes and Webinars
With financial support from the Rockefeller Foundation, InterAction developed a four-part series of guidance notes and webinars on impact evaluation. The purpose of the series is to build the capacity of NGOs (and others) to demonstrate effectiveness by increasing their understanding of and ability to conduct high quality impact evaluation.

Shelter and Settlements E-Learning Course
This 3-hour minute/hour course will provide an overview of humanitarian shelter and settlements (S&S) assistance.
- Explain crisis contexts and the foundational role of S&S in affected communities’ recovery.
- Describe the interrelated concerns of protection, climate and environmental impacts, and disaster risk reduction (DRR).
- Review the overarching challenges and potential opportunities for moving the sector forward.
The curriculum is designed for humanitarian practitioners, students, academics, trainers, and other relevant institutions.
The updated course is available in English. The previous version is available in Spanish, French, and Arabic.

Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) of Beneficiaries
Courses and modules providing humanitarian and development staff with knowledge of sexual abuse and exploitation and how to address it.