Responding to Ebola in Congo is hard work, but made that much harder by violence
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U.S. Foreign Assistance
More Than 70 Organizations Oppose Proposed Cut-Off in Foreign Assistance to Central America
Cutting off poverty-alleviating and violence-reducing assistance in Central America runs counter to American values and interests.

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World Water Day 2019: Leaving No One Behind
This year’s World Water Day theme is "No One Left Behind." But according to a UNICEF and World Health Organization report, nearly a billion people today live without access to clean drinking water.

U.S. Foreign Assistance
Let’s Step Up on Foreign Aid to Fund Our Values
Despite the Administration’s repeated efforts to gut foreign aid, Congress has proven a bulwark against those dangerous proposals, restoring funding.

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Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse & Harassment
Zero Tolerance for Doing Nothing
With this three-year project, InterAction will work with its members towards the goal of preventing sexual harassment and abuse of and by NGO staff.
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Soshana Hashmie
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