Zero Tolerance for Doing Nothing

Beata Bajyanama, 52, at her tailoring business in Nyaruguru, Rwanda. She started the shop with with a VisionFund micro loan. Photo By: Eugene Lee

Zero Tolerance for Doing Nothing

InterAction Launches a New Project to Address Sexual Abuse, Exploitation, and Harassment

As we draw upon the one-year anniversary of InterAction’s CEO Pledge on Preventing Sexual Abuse, Exploitation, and Harassment by and off NGO Staff, InterAction is excited to launch its new project, From Pledge to Action. With this three-year project, InterAction will work with its members towards the goal of preventing sexual harassment and abuse of and by NGO staff. We will focus on long-term sustainable changes within organizations, through not only strengthening policies, procedures, and training, but also by creating working environments in which all staff and beneficiaries are treated with respect and can thrive. Some specific activities of the project will include:

Support for members through:

  • Working groups and task teams to collectively address key areas of technical and adaptive change, such as improving human resources practices and organizational culture in HQ and field settings.
  • Subgrants to strengthen internal changes within member organizations and to pilot innovative approaches that can shared throughout the sector.
  • A member portal for sharing tools, learning opportunities, and encouraging peer support.
  • Training and capacity building

Engagement with the wider safeguarding community by:

  • Working with fellow NGO consortia and global groups around effective strategies
  • Engaging with legal, HR, and safeguarding experts to equip the community with best practices.

All InterAction members are invited to join us, Wednesday, March 20 from 11:30am to 1:00pm for our program launch event. Where we will provide more details on the Pledge to Action project, discuss the priorities and needs of members, and share ways you can be involved. Please RSVP by Friday, March 15.

If you are interested in more information on our safeguarding working groups or task teams, please contact Helen Pleger at

If you are interested in more information on our subgrants please contact Soshana Hashmie at