May 27, 2021 | 9:00AM-10:30AM

A Results-Based Framework to Measure the Prevention of GBV Outcomes in Conflict Situations

Do you know how to measure GBV prevention outcomes? Can you demonstrate evidence that GBV risk has been reduced or prevented in crises?

Join us for the launch of the newly developed GBV Prevention Evaluation Framework (GBV PEF). The webinar will include a presentation that introduces the components of the Framework and shares a few examples of the outcome-oriented methods adapted for GBV, including outcome mapping and most significant change evaluation methods. The presentation will be followed by a dynamic panel discussion with some of the organizations and field colleagues that participated in the consultation and development process. The launch will provide information on how to get involved, participate in the piloting phase, and join the community of practitioners eager to improve GBV prevention programming!


  • Background: Why there was a need for a results-based evaluation framework for GBV?
  • GBV PEF: Presentation on the elements of the Framework
  • Panel Discussion: Dynamic panel discussion with key organizations engaged in the development and consultation process
  • Piloting the GBV PEF: How to get involved and join the movement to measure GBV prevention outcomes!


In 2019, with the support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), InterAction launched a two-year project to develop a Gender-Based Violence Prevention Evaluation Framework (GBV PEF), to help organizations measure and evaluate the outcomes of their GBV prevention work in humanitarian contexts.

Humanitarian organizations working on gender-based violence in crisis settings are increasingly focusing on prevention alongside response. Yet their remains a lack of investment in understanding how to better design for, measure, and assess the outcome-level results of GBV prevention work.

A scoping study carried out in 2019 to explore the effectiveness of GBV prevention programming revealed several challenges most notably that programs were simply not evaluable at all. Core evaluability problems included:

  • Weak context-specific analysis whereby GBV was often generalized and tackled as a broad form of violence without paying attention to the specific patterns of different types of GBV risk and how this evolves throughout a crisis.
  • Unclear program designs, which often lacked any form of theory of change underpinning the choice of activities or target groups.
  • Unclear or under-developed articulation of the intended outcomes of the GBV prevention activities.
  • Missing baseline data and/or lack of a monitoring plan to overcome data gaps.
  • Absence of appropriate disaggregation of data according to the specific vulnerabilities to the specific GBV threats present in the context in question.
  • Overemphasis on risk mitigation and safe programming and neglecting to focus on prevention of GBV risks.

A Results-Based Framework to Measure the Prevention of GBV Outcomes

The launch of the GBV PEF represents a new outcome-oriented approach to overcome many of the challenges identified above. The Framework and the tools that are presented are specifically designed to help agencies analyze GBV risk in humanitarian contexts, design results-oriented programs to reduce the risks observed and develop measurement frameworks and evaluation approaches that are helpful in measuring complex issues, like GBV, that can ultimately help humanitarians demonstrate the effects of their interventions in the communities they serve.

For more information, please reach out to Jessica Lenz (