November 16, 2021 | 8:30AM

MEMBERS ONLY: NGO Community Consultation on Draft USAID Climate Strategy

Join InterAction’s Climate Advocacy Working Group to hear from USAID on the recently released draft USAID Climate Strategy.


  • Gillian Caldwell, Climate Change Coordinator and Deputy Assistant Administrator, USAID 

Additional speakers to be added.

The event will introduce the draft Strategy, give space for discussion on core issues addressed in the draft Strategy, and provide an opportunity for NGOs to share best practices and learnings from climate-related program implementation.

This event follows on from a series of initial consultations InterAction hosted in June 2021. InterAction convened five listening sessions on USAID’s proposed new Climate Strategy, involving 98 Member NGOs and local partners and 58 USAID representatives. Recommendations from those sessions were compiled and shared with USAID. You can read an executive summary of the NGO community recommendations HERE.

To participate in this event please RSVP HERE by COB FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12.

This event is open to InterAction Members and USAID NGO partners. Please share this Save the Date with NGO country office staff and local implementing partners.

For more information, contact Sara Nitz Nolan.