High Level Goma Visit Sheds Light on Unfolding Tragedy in DRC
As conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) rages, gender-based violence, including sexual violence and killings, have become daily realities for civilians.
As conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) rages, gender-based violence, including sexual violence and killings, have become daily realities for civilians.
An ad hoc DRC Working Group meeting on the DRC will be hosted at InterAction on Monday, March 25 from 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST. Guest speaker Pamela Chama, Director of Communications, Advocacy and External Engagement for Southern Africa at World Vision, will join to facilitate discussions.
This document is Danish Refugee Council's Code of Conduct. It is useful for organizations that are looking for an example of a Code of Conudct that covers international, expatriate, HQ staff, and local staff.
This working group meets monthly to share information, discuss operational concerns, and coordinate advocacy efforts for the DRC context.
This working group meets monthly to share information, discuss operational concerns, and coordinate advocacy efforts for the DRC context.
Escalating violence in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has exacerbated the humanitarian crisis and left…
This year, InterAction’s Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Working Group blog series sought to highlight and amplify the voices of women and girls leading the charge against GBV in humanitarian crises around the globe.
On November 25, 1960, agents of the Dominican Republic’s Trujillo dictatorship brutally murdered Patria, Minerva, and Teresa Mirabel, three activists…
InterAction’s GBV Working Group will be publishing a blog series for the 16 Days of Activism dedicated to the role of women’s movements across crises and conflicts. Each of these blogs will showcase the centrality and role of either individual women or women-led movements and organizations across nine country or regional contexts.