Statement: Response to Israeli Forces Opening Fire on Palestinians Waiting in Line for Food Aid
February 29, 2024
Tom Hart, President and CEO of InterAction, the leading alliance of non-governmental organizations and partners in the United States, released the following statement in response to the alarming news of Israeli forces opening fire on Palestinians waiting in line for food aid in Gaza.
“I implore President Biden and his Administration: When will you say ‘enough is enough’? The safeguarding of Gaza’s civilian population is of utmost importance, and the relentless onslaught of violence must come to an immediate halt.
“Whether termed a humanitarian pause, a ceasefire, or by any other name, we urgently call for an end to the violence to prevent further civilian casualties and provide them humanitarian relief.”
For further information or to schedule an interview, please contact Morgan Martinez, Senior Director of Communications and External Engagement, mmartinez@interaction.org.