InterAction Joins the Call for the Extension of the High Level Panel on Displacement
Since its inaugural meeting in February 2020, the High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement has worked toward its goal of identifying recommendations and advancing concrete solutions on internal displacement.
However, the COVID-19 pandemic and all the challenges it presents threaten the original intent and promise of the Panel. In this letter, InterAction and its fellow NGO signatories urge the United Nations Secretary-General to extend the Panel’s mandate timeframe so it can continue its essential work, particularly its planned consultations with internally displaced persons across the globe.
InterAction and its Members have engaged with the High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement since its inaugural meeting in February 2020. Recently, the Forced Displacement Working Group submitted its paper, “Roadmap to Durable Solutions for the Internally Displaced” and the Protection of Civilians Working Group submitted its paper, “Minimizing Civilian Harm in Military Operations” for consideration by the Panel.
InterAction and its fellow NGO signatories stand ready, as a community, to assist the work of the Panel energetically and constructively. Extending the Panel’s timeframe by the requested seven months is essential.
Please find the full letter HERE.