InterAction’s Response to the CARES Act
InterAction released the following statement on the passage of the CARES Act.
“InterAction welcomes the passage of the emergency relief bill that provides critically needed funds, including for communities affected by the coronavirus overseas. We are pleased to see the inclusion of funding for humanitarian relief and USAID’s operating expenses alongside support for global preparedness and response.
“This pandemic will exacerbate existing humanitarian crises, and continued investment in global health will allow for the detection, treatment, and containment of COVID-19, even in the most fragile countries in the world.
“We know that this is just the tip of the iceberg. The funds in this bill are a small payment on what we know will be an enormous and necessary investment. COVID-19 does not see borders, and in many countries, this virus will be an additional shock to already struggling health, education, and agricultural sectors.
“To stop the coronavirus pandemic, America must take a global approach. The safety and health of our country are dependent on countering the global spread of the virus and preventing it from circling back around the world again and again. The world’s most vulnerable can not take on this virus alone—developing countries do not have the health or governance structures to keep this virus at bay. American leadership has proven pivotal at many times throughout modern history, and American leadership is needed now to combat this pandemic.
“InterAction Members are already responding to the needs of the world during this time—they are adapting programs, focusing on preparedness, and remaining committed to the communities they serve. As the largest alliance of international NGOs and partners in the United States, InterAction will continue to help our Members collaborate and innovate during this crisis. And, we look forward to continuing to work with Congress and the Administration to meet the challenges ahead.”