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A Human Rights Framework for Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment

This document provides a framework for humanitarian and development organizations to understand preventing sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment (PSEAH) as a matter of human rights. There are three documents:  A Human Rights Framework for PSEAH - this document includes an introduction to the framework and lays out the elements of the framework. Annex 1: Definitions - this document defines key terms used in the framework. Annex 2: Human Rights Documents - this document connects the key elements of the framework to internationally-recognized Human Rights Documents such as Universal Declaration on Human Rights.

March 4, 2022

ActionAid Community-Based Complaints Mechanisms for SHEA and Safeguarding during COVID-19

Community-based complaints mechanisms ensure that communities can raise concerns about ActionAid staff/processes. Communities can use community complaints mechanisms to raise concerns, give feedback to international agencies, and report incidents of sexual exploitation and abuse. They help to create a strong culture of accountability; enable us to improve the quality, impact and effectiveness of our programmes; and ensure our programmes are safe during COVID-19.

June 1, 2021

ActionAid Digital SHEA and Safeguarding Risks during ActionAid’s COVID-19 Response

This guidance note looks at areas of digital/online engagement between staff/representatives and children, young people, communities and adults-at-risk, other staff/representatives. This guidance note identifies the risks that emerge from these ways of working and makes recommendations on how to embed safe SHEA and safeguarding approaches and the risk of our staff/representatives carrying out harm.

May 19, 2021

ActionAid International Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) on SHEA and Safeguarding Incident Management (internal process)

May 19, 2021

ActionAid SHEA and Safeguarding Stakeholder Panel Terms of Reference (ToR)

The SHEA and Safeguarding Stakeholder Panel is responsible for: • Leading the AA entities’ work on SHEA and Safeguarding, working collaboratively to ensure a holistic approach to SHEA and Safeguarding across the entity and reporting regularly to the SMT who have overall responsibility over SHEA and Safeguarding • Receiving, triaging and managing SHEA and Safeguarding concerns and complaints

June 1, 2021

ActionAid: SHEA and Safeguarding and Safer Programming in ActionAid’s COVID-19 Response

This guidance note provides direction and tools for ActionAid and representatives (partners, volunteers, contractors etc...) on how to embed SHEA and Safeguarding into Covid-19 response work, with a focus on safeguarding programming and emerging risks.

May 19, 2021

ADRA Job Descriptions- Safeguarding Officer/Task Force and SFP

This document contains a zip file for ADRA Safeguarding Officer, Safeguarding FP, and a diagram providing a summary of the responsibilities of the roles.

November 13, 2020

Aga Khan Foundation: Developing A Community-Based Complaints Mechanism in Consultation with Communities

This guideline is the result of a CBCM pilot project run by AKF in Afghanistan and Tajikistan in 2020 and 2021, co-funded by AKF USA and InterAction. The aim of this project was to pilot an approach to designing and implementing a community complaints/reporting model that drew on innovative engagement methods and that can be adapted to fir the needs of different communities (and the groups within them) in varying contexts.

April 5, 2022

Aid in Danger Fact Sheet

This document provides an overview of sexual violence incidents against aid workers from 2015-2017 in 26 GISF partner agencies. Although this document is now out of date, it may help organizations better understand what sexual violence against aid workers looks like.

November 23, 2019

AID Security 2019 Report

This report analyzes attacks on aid workers between 2009-2018. It also outlines sexual violence and gender differences in security risks. This report is useful for those looking to develop a better understanding of the security risks that aid workers face around the world.

November 21, 2019
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