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Blog Post

Guidelines for NGO Coordination with Military Actors During Humanitarian Crises

When responding to humanitarian crises, NGOs independently asses the risks of when, how, and why they would or would not coordinate their activities with the U.S. military.

July 13, 2018
In the News

They aim to help people in distress, but each year scores of aid workers are killed on the job worldwide

March 12, 2018
In the News

South Sudan Will Now Charge $10,000 For An Aid Worker Permit. Why?

It's unclear whether the fee would apply only to newcomers or to those already there as well. Whatever the case, the amount is "absolutely unheard of globally."

March 23, 2017
InterAction Quoted

The South Sudan Level 3 designation: from policy to practice

The United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator (ERC) has declared that the humanitarian situation in South Sudan warranted classification as a system-wide Level 3 (L3) emergency.

February 1, 2017
InterAction Quoted

Is it time to devise a faster response to slow onset disasters?

"It is either time to bolster drought indicators and better define action tied to early warning systems, or rethink aid frameworks altogether."

January 10, 2017
InterAction Quoted

They aim to help people in distress, but each year scores of aid workers are killed on the job worldwide

“[S]ometimes we’re less present in places where we should be, just because we can’t guarantee sufficient security,” Schopp said.

March 12, 2018
InterAction Quoted

Famine-Wracked South Sudan Now Wants To Charge Aid Workers For Help

South Sudan is wracked by unfettered violence, ethnic cleansing, and famine. But now the government wants to charge aid workers $10,000 to operate in the country.

March 9, 2017
Blog Post

Annual Partnership Consultation Explores Yemen Crisis, Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, and other Critical Humanitarian and Development Challenges

Leaders from our humanitarian team joined the WFP discussion to share their insights on effectively addressing sexual exploitation and abuse, and lessons learned from the Yemen crisis.

March 12, 2019
A man caries a chirldren during the Yemen Crisis
Blog Post

Recapping Forum 2024

On June 26 and 27, over 240 leaders and innovators in the global development and humanitarian community gathered for InterAction’s flagship annual event, Forum, at Convene in downtown Washington, D.C. Headlined by speakers from Congress and the Administration, and complemented by panel discussions and interactive sessions from over 30 organizations, the event sparked broad discussion and debate on a variety of issues—from localization and sanctions, to artificial intelligence and current global crises.

July 11, 2024