CEO Pledge on Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment by and of NGO Staff
The CEO Pledge on Preventing Sexual Abuse, Exploitation, and Harassment by and of NGO Staff represents our commitment to practices and policies that will not only protect our own staff, but also the communities we serve. While standards and legal frames already exist, this pledge is our promise to take additional steps towards greater success. The language used allows flexibility in implementation at the organizational level, with a common commitment to develop collective solutions over multiple years.
Official Pledge Signatories: 145 (As of 10/10/23)
*Indicates signatories who are members of the CEO Task Force on Preventing Sexual Abuse, Exploitation, and Harassment of and by NGO Staff
ACDI/VOCA: Charles Hall, President & CEO
Action Against Hunger USA: Dr. Charles Owubah, CEO
ActionAid: Caroline Hamric, Interim Executive Director
Adventist Development and Relief Agency International (ADRA): Michael Kruger, President
African Methodist Episcopal Church Service and Development Agency, Inc (AME-SADA): Robert Nicolas, Executive Director
Aga Khan Foundation USA: Aleem Waliji, CEO
Airlink: Steven J. Smith, Executive Director
All Hands and Hearts: Erik Dyson, CEO
Alliance for Peacebuilding: Elizabeth Hume, CEO & President
Alliance to End Hunger: Eric P. Mitchell, President
American Red Cross: Gail J. McGovern, President & CEO
American Refugee Committee: Daniel Wordsworth, President & CEO
American Relief Agency for the Horn of Africa (ARAHA): Mohamed Idris, Executive Director
Americares: Christine Squires, President & CEO
Amref Health Africa INC: Robert Kelty, Executive Director
Association for Volunteers in International Service (AVSI-USA): Ezio Castelli, President
Asylum Access: Emily E. Arnold-Fernandez, Executive Director
Bethany Christian Services: Chris Palusky, President & CEO
Blumont: Jonathan Nash, President & CEO
BRAC: Donella Rapier, President & CEO
Bread for the World: Rev. Eugene Cho, President
Build Change: Dr. Elizabeth Hausler, Founder & CEO
Cadasta Foundation: Amy Coughenour Betancourt, CEO
CARE: Michelle Nunn*, President & CEO
Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB): Bruce Wilkinson, President & CEO
Catholic Relief Services (CRS): Sean Callahan*, CEO
CDA Collaborative Learning Projects: Ruth Rhoads Allen, President & Chief Collaboration Officer
Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC): Federico Borello, Executive Director
Center for Health and Gender Equity (CHANGE): Serra Sippel, President
Child Aid: Nancy Press, Ph.D., CEO
ChildFund International: Anne Lynam Goddard, President & CEO
Christian Blind Mission US: Ed Epp, President & CEO
Church World Service: Rick Santos, President & CEO
Concern Worldwide (U.S.): Áine Fay*, President
CORE Group: Lisa Hilmi, Executive Director
Corus International: Daniel V. Speckhard, President & CEO
Doctors of the World USA: Fraser Mooney, Executive Director
Eastern Mennonite University: Susan Schultz Huxman, Ph.D., President
Episcopal Relief & Development: Robert W. Radtke, President & CEO
FHI 360: Dr. Tessie San Martin, CEO
Food for the Hungry: Mark Viso, President & CEO
Fonkoze USA: Mabel Valdivia, Executive Director
Friends of ACTED US: Marie-Pierre Caley, CEO
Friends of the Global Fight Against Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria: Chris Collins, President
Giving Children Hope: Sean Lawrence, Executive Director
Global Communities: David A. Weiss, President & CEO
Global Health Council: Elisha Dunn-Georgiou, President & CEO
GOAL USA: Siobhan Walsh, CEO
Habitat for Humanity International: Jonathan Reckford, CEO
Headwaters Relief: Dr. Rebecca Thomley, CEO
Healey International Relief Foundation: Benjamin Parra, Executive Director
Heart to Heart International: Kim Carrol, CEO
Heartland Alliance International: Brooke McKean, Acting Executive Director
Heifer International: Pierre Ferrari, President & CEO
Helen Keller International: Kathy Spahn, President & CEO
HelpAge USA: Kate Bunting, CEO
Helping Hand for Relief and Development: Javaid Siddiqi, CEO
Helvetas USA: Christian Steiner, CEO
HIAS: Mark Hetfield, President & CEO
Himalayan Cataract Project: Job C. Heintz*, CEO
Humanity & Inclusion: Jeff Meer, U.S. Executive Director
Humentum: Dr. Christine Sow, CEO
Ideas42: Josh Wright, Executive Director
IEDA Relief: Phil Maanulwa, President & CEO
IHC Global: Judith A. Hermanson, PhD, President & CEO
IMA World Health: Daniel V. Speckhard, President & CEO
iMMAP: William Barron, CEO
INMED Partnerships for Children: Linda Pfeiffer, Ph.D., President & CEO
InterAction: Samuel A. Worthington, CEO
International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC): Msgr. Robert J. Vitillo, Secretary General
International Center for Research on Women (ICRW): Dr. Sarah Degnan Kambou, President
International Emergency and Development Aid (IEDA Relief): Phil Maanulwa, President & CEO
International Eye Foundation: John Barrows, President & CEO
International Lifeline Fund: Daniel Wolf, CEO
International Medical Corps: Nancy A. Aossey, President & CEO
International Orthodox Christian Charities: Constantine Triantafilou, Executive Director & CEO
International Relief Teams: Barry La Forgia, Executive Director
International Rescue Committee (IRC): David Miliband, President & CEO
International Youth Foundation: Susan Reichle, President & CEO
IntraHealth International: Pape Gaye, President & CEO
IREX: Kristin M. Lord, President & CEO
Islamic Relief USA: Sharif Aly, Interim CEO
Jesuit Refugee Service/USA: Joan Rosenhauer, Executive Director
Jhpiego: Dr. Leslie Mancuso, President & CEO
Keystone Human Services: Charles J. Hooker, III, President & CEO
Kids in Need of Defense (KIND): Wendy Young, President
Management Sciences for Health (MSH): Marian W. Wentworth, President & CEO
Medical Teams International: Martha Newsome, CEO
Medicines for Humanity: Margaret E. Brawley, MPH, Executive Director
Mennonite Central Committee U.S.: Ann Graber Hershberger, Executive Director
Mercy Corps: Beth deHamel, Interim CEO
Mercy Ships: Donovan R. Palmer, CEO
Mercy-USA for Aid and Development: Umar al-Qadi, President & CEO
Mobility International USA: Susan Sygall, CEO
NCBA CLUSA: Douglas O’Brien, President & CEO
Near East Foundation: Charles Benjamin, President
Norwegian Refugee Council USA: Joel Charny, Executive Director
Operation USA: Richard Walden, CEO
Oxfam America: Abby Maxman*, President & CEO
Pan American Development Foundation, Katie Taylor, CEO
PATH: Nikolaj Gilbert, President & CEO
Penny Appeal USA: John Robbins, President & CEO
Physicians for Peace: James E. Morgan, CEO
Plan International USA: Shanna Marzilli, Interim President & CEO
Planet Aid: Fred Olsson, President & CEO
Plant with Purpose: Scott Sabin, Executive Director
Project C.U.R.E.: W. Douglas Jackson, Ph.D., JD, President & CEO
Project Concern International (PCI): Carrie Hessler-Radelet*, President & CEO
Project HOPE: Rabih Torbay, President & CEO
Promundo US: Gary Barker, President & CEO
Refugees International: Eric Schwartz, President
Relief International: Ann Koontz, CEO
ReSurge International: Jeff Whisenant, President & CEO
RTI International: E. Wayne Holden, Ph.D., President & CEO
Save the Children US: Janti Soeripto, President & CEO
Solar Cookers International: Julie Greene, Executive Director
Solidarity Center: Shawna Bader-Blau, Executive Director
SPOON Foundation: Mishelle Rudzinski, Co-Founder & Executive Director
Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS): David Lillie, Executive Director
Tarjimly, Atif Javed, Executive Director
Team Rubicon USA: Art delaCruz, CEO
The Global Hunger Project: Lisa North, Acting CEO & Chief Operating Officer
Transnational NGO Initiative at the Maxwell School of Syracuse University: Tosca Bruno-van Vijfeijken, Director
Trickle Up: Nathalie Laidler-Kylander, President
U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI): Eskinder Negash, Acting CEO
UMCOR: Thomas G. Kemper, General Secretary
UNICEF USA: Michael J. Nyenhuis, President & CEO
United Mission for Relief & Development: Abed Ayoub, Ph.D., CEO
USA for UNHCR: Anne-Marie Gray, Executive Director
Village Enterprise: Dianne Calvi*, CEO
War Child Canada: Dara McLeod, Executive Director
Water for South Sudan: Lynn Malooly, Executive Director
WaterAid America: Kelly Parsons, CEO
WEEMA International: Elizabeth McGovern, M.D., Executive Director
Women for Women International: Laurie Adams*, CEO
Women’s Refugee Commission: Sarah Costa, Executive Director
World Bicycle Relief: David Neiswander, CEO
World Concern: Jacinta Tegman, President
World Food Program USA: Barron Segar, President & CEO
World Hope International: John Lyon, President
World Institute on Disability: Marcie Roth, Executive Director
World Learning: Carol Jenkins, CEO
World Relief: Tim Breene, CEO/ Scott Arbeiter, President
World Renew US: Carol Bremer-Bennett, Executive Director, U.S.
World Vision: Edgar Sandoval, CEO
Zakat Foundation of America: Halil Demir, Executive Director