Gender-Based Violence Prevention
A Results-Based Evaluation Framework
In 2019, with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) support, InterAction launched a two-year project to develop a results-based Gender-Based Violence Prevention Evaluation Framework (GBV PEF) to help organizations measure and evaluate the outcomes of their GBV prevention work in humanitarian contexts.
This framework was created in collaboration with 15 organizations, which provided invaluable input and expertise through intensive community-level engagement across six different contexts, including Afghanistan, South Sudan, Nigeria, DRC, Colombia, and Cox’s Bazar.
What It Is
The GBV PEF is a set of guiding approaches aimed at helping practitioners make better decisions in their analysis, program design, and measurement such that GBV prevention outcomes can ultimately be evaluated. It has been built on the foundation of the Results-Based Protection framework developed by InterAction and endorsed by a broad set of humanitarian actors, including international non-governmental organizations, ICRC, and international organizations. The GBV PEF is shaped by key recommendations and findings from the 2019 Study: Scoping Exercise on the Prevention of GBV in Conflict.
Who is it for?
This framework is designed for any organization seeking to reduce the risk of gender-based violence occurring within humanitarian settings. It was developed for and by practitioners working in-country to reduce GBV and is for practitioners from any sector, as well as program staff; monitoring, and evaluation (M&E) teams; and technical experts.
How to use the Framework:
The GBV Prevention Evaluation Framework contains four modules, answering four main questions:
- Module 1—Risk Analysis: How can program teams analyze the GBV risks faced by crisis-affected communities in a detailed and context-specific manner to better measure GBV prevention outcomes?
- Module 2—Project Design: What should be done during the project design stage to enhance the evaluability of GBV prevention outcomes?
- Module 3—Measurement Considerations: What should project teams and M&E staff consider when designing the monitoring system for projects working towards GBV prevention outcomes?
- Module 4—Evaluation Approaches: What types of evaluation approaches are best suited to assessing GBV prevention results and outcomes in conflict and crisis contexts.
Click to read the modules below. The full report in English can be downloaded HERE.
Other languages:
Watch a recording of the GBV PEF Launch Event below.
If you have any questions or are interested in getting involved and piloting this framework, please reach out to Jessica Lenz, Senior Technical Advisor, Protection.