Blog Post

Intergenerational Solidarity: Creating a World for All Ages

On January 20, U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres addressed the Conference on Youth-Inclusive Peace Processes: “I salute young people around…

August 12, 2022

65+ NGOs Oppose Cuts to Humanitarian & Foreign Assistance in FY24 House Spending Bills

As Members and partners of InterAction, the largest alliance of U.S.-based NGOs championing humanitarian, health, development, and democracy programs, we…

September 27, 2023

InterAction Welcomes Eight New Board Members

At InterAction’s Annual Membership Meeting on June 26, we said goodbye to four Board Members. A heartfelt thanks to Carrie…

June 29, 2023
Blog Post

2022 InterAction Award Winners

Every year, InterAction’s awards recognize outstanding leaders and organizations who are shaping the evolution of the U.S. NGO sector and…

May 25, 2022

110+ NGOs Call on Congress to Appropriate Emergency Resources for Food Insecurity, Humanitarian Action & Global COVID-19 Response

Dear Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Schumer, Minority Leader McCarthy, Minority Leader McConnell, Chairwoman DeLauro, Chairman Leahy, Vice Chairman Shelby, and…

May 6, 2022

Letter to Congressional Leadership Regarding the Prioritization of Funding for State, Foreign Operations Bill in FY2023

Dear Chairwoman DeLauro, Chairman Leahy, Vice Chairman Shelby, and Ranking Member Granger: We, the undersigned international, implementing, and advocacy organizations,…

April 13, 2022

InterAction Responds to the Disappointing FY2022 Omnibus Appropriations Bill

The recently enacted Fiscal Year 2022 omnibus appropriations bill is a disappointing reflection of the United States’ global leadership role…

March 22, 2022

Statement on the House’s Proposal for Next Phase of Coronavirus Relief Legislation

The international development and humanitarian organizations listed below issued the following statement on the House’s proposal for the next phase…

May 12, 2020

InterAction Launches the NGO Climate Compact

On the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, April 22, 2020, InterAction and 80+ Member NGOs launched the NGO Climate…

April 20, 2020

Letter to Appropriators Regarding Minimum Bridge Funding for COVID-19

Dear Chairwoman Lowey, Ranking Member Granger, Chairman Shelby, Vice Chairman Leahy, As some of the largest NGOs that implement and…

March 24, 2020
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