InterAction’s COVID-19 Update
For all Working Groups and Stakeholders
The InterAction team is closely monitoring the spread of COVID-19 and will continue to do so over the coming weeks. For the time being, and unless otherwise noted, all regular Working Group meetings and other events will continue, and remote access will be encouraged for all meetings.
If you come to InterAction, we are doing all we can to ensure you feel safe and welcome while at our office. A few reminders:
- Please wash your hands. Restrooms are to the left and right of the elevators.
- Avoid handshakes. Greet a colleague with a wave, elbow bump, or bow.
- Use alcohol-based sanitizers.
- If you feel sick or have a fever or cough, please do excuse yourself from the meeting.
To promote the health and safety of our community, we will continue to assess future events based on guidance from the CDC and WHO and communicate any changes promptly. Registration for the Forum will be delayed until further notice.
Finally, to ensure the InterAction team can best serve our coalition under a potential mandatory office closure, the InterAction team will be fully remote on Thursday, March 12 to test our systems.
Thank you for helping keep our community healthy.
The InterAction Team