Found 14 results for
Blog Post

NGOs and Risk How International Humanitarian Actors Manage Uncertainty

For humanitarian organizations, the presence of risk in the operating environment can force difficult trade-offs between the needs of people…

February 8, 2016
Blog Post

NGOs and Risk Study Enters Second Phase, Survey Now Available

The new phase will focus on risk management within partnerships between national, local and international NGOs

April 23, 2018
Blog Post

NGOs and Risk: How International Humanitarian Actors Manage Uncertainty

For humanitarian organizations, the presence of risk in the operating environment can force difficult trade-offs between the needs of people they are trying to serve and the need to mitigate potential harm to their personnel, resources, and reputation.

February 5, 2016

NGOs and Risk: How international humanitarian actors manage uncertainty

February 14, 2019
Blog Post

Managing Risk in International and Local NGO Partnerships

An in-depth study of the realities and recommendations for improving risk management in humanitarian crises.

March 6, 2019
Blog Post

Managing Uncertainty in Local-International Partnerships: Northeast Nigeria and South Sudan

This report examines partnerships between international NGOs (INGOs) and local/national NGOs (L/NNGOs) in two complex, conflict-driven emergencies: Nigeria and South Sudan. It presents case studies that are one component of InterAction’s Risk II: Local Actor Partnerships project – an 18-month research study funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA).

March 6, 2019
Blog Post

Managing Uncertainty in Local-International Partnerships: Good Practice and Recommendations for Humanitarian Actors

This briefing paper compiles the recommendations from the 2019 reports of the research program NGOs and Risk – Managing Uncertainty in Local-International Partnerships, undertaken by InterAction with Humanitarian Outcomes. The recommendations derive from research at the global level and field case studies in South Sudan and northeast Nigeria.

March 6, 2019
Blog Post

Managing Uncertainty in Local-International Partnerships

This report examines how risk is perceived and managed in partnerships between international and national NGOs working in humanitarian response.

March 6, 2019
Blog Post

Residual Risk Acceptance An Advocacy Guidance Note

This guidance note is one of four research products emanating from the 2016 NGOs and Risk study, conducted by Humanitarian…

September 8, 2016
Blog Post

NGO Risk Management Principles and Promising Practice

With heightened levels of violence in some conflict settings, coupled with proliferating legal and fiduciary regulations related to anti-corruption and…

November 8, 2016