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CHS Alliance PSEA Handbook

This document demonstrates how aid workers can implement practical measures to prevent sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment in line with the Core Humanitarian Standard PSEAH Index. This document will be useful for organizations that are looking for ways that they can take the key areas from the PSEAH Index and put them into practice. It also provides a real-life case study for each area covered.

November 23, 2019

Community Based Safeguarding Visual Toolkit

The community based safeguarding visual toolkit is an adaptable toolkit designed to assist humanitarian and development agencies communicate key safeguarding messages derived from the (IASC) Six Core Principles Relating to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse to the communities in which they and their partners work, helping to break down barriers of language, literacy and accessibility. The ultimate goal for this toolkit is to support communities in realizing their rights in preventing sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment by promoting a ‘speak up’ culture. Please take the time to read the user information guide, which provides background information on the development of the toolkit, how it can be used and adapted to suit a wide range of needs, as well as a technical guide. Please note that the toolkit has been released in English, however this will be followed by an increasing number of languages, with support from Translators Without Borders. To access the toolkit, please click on the name of the resource. On the landing page, you will see all of the components of the toolkit linked. Please take some time to go through the links to determine what best fits your needs as an organization.

March 3, 2021

Community Based Safeguarding Visual Toolkit – Translations

This resource contains the translate materials of the Community Based Safeguarding Visual Toolkit. To access the translations, please click on the name of the Resource. This will take you to a landing page where you can click on the links of each language available. More translations may become available as time goes on. Please note that InterAction, Oxfam International, Habitat for Humanity International, and WaterAid cannot ensure the accuracy of all translations.

March 3, 2021

Deployment Package for PSEA Coordinators

This tool provides guidance to PSEA Coordinators tasked with supporting an inter-agency PSEA Program in country under Resident and/or Humanitarian Coordinators. While targeted to Coordinators who are dedicated full time to this role, the tool can be used by anyone who is coordinating PSEA work in country, e.g. PSEA Network co-chairs or PSEA Focal Points.

November 3, 2020

DFID Safeguarding Infrastructure Tools

This document was produced by DFID for DFOD advisers, program managers, and Senior Responsible Officers working on programs that involve infrastructure. This document is useful for organizations that are looking to familiarize themselves with potential SEAH risks within infrastructure investments and understand what actions they can take that will help identify, mitigate and respond to SEAH risks or incidents in the downstream delivery of infrastructure programs (including taking a survivor-centered approach).

November 23, 2019

DFID SS Private Sector commitments

November 23, 2019

EISF Risk Management Guidelines

This document from EISF provides organization with guidelines on how to address sexual violence against aid workers. This document will be the most useful for organizations that are looking for a brief introduction to steps that they can take to protect their aid workers from SEAH.

November 23, 2019

Fact Sheet: Preventing Workplace Sexual Misconduct USAID

This document from USAID provides an overview of USAID's sexual misconduct policies and approach.

November 23, 2019

FHI 360 Safeguarding Tools

These documents were developed by FHI 360 to adapt globally approved PSEA guidelines, tools, and promising strategies applied in humanitarian/emergency settings to prevent and respond to SEA when implementing programming in traditional development and humanitarian-development nexus contexts. The available resources are as follows: 1. FHI 360 Framework and Minimum Standards for Safeguarding Program Participants. 2. FHI 360 Safeguarding - Five Required Tools 3. FHI 360 Toolkit - How to implement FHI 360s minimum standards for safeguarding program participants. 4. FHI 360 Safeguarding - Project Checklist 5. FHI 360 Safeguarding - How to Note, standalone 6. FHI 360 Safeguarding - Awareness Raising Activities 7. FHI 360 Safeguarding - Training - Workshop - Info Session

August 22, 2022

GOAL Safeguarding Brief for Partners

This document gives guidance to GOAL's partners on several key safeguarding aspects. While specific to GOAL, other organizations may find this useful as a guide in creating their own guidance for partners.

August 20, 2021