Humanitarian Groups Face Banking Challenges as Venezuelan Sanctions Escalate
The prospect of hefty fines for skirting U.S. sanctions on Venezuela has made some banks skittish about doing business with…

InterAction Applauds the U.S. Department of the Treasury for Its Commitment to the Unfettered Flow of Humanitarian Aid to the Venezuelan People
InterAction applauds the U.S. Department of the Treasury for noting its commitment to the “unfettered flow of humanitarian aid to the Venezuelan…

It’s Unclear How Humanitarian Aid Will Get To Those Who Need It In Venezuela
"Our call is for us not to politicize the humanitarian assistance. Humanitarian needs from the populations are what we should be keeping at the forefront of our minds and not how we could be using humanitarian assistance to further the interests of one side or another."
MEMBERS ONLY: Venezuela Regional Response Working Group (July 20)
MEMBERS ONLY: Venezuela Regional Response Working Group (September 21)
The Politicization Of Humanitarian Aid For Venezuela Must End
"The people of Venezuela are in desperate need of significantly expanded lifesaving and sustaining support. We must not allow them to become victims of the political brinksmanship around humanitarian assistance we are currently witnessing."

The Venezuela displacement crisis
“We can’t eat there. We can’t eat here. I don’t know what to do anymore.” As of November 2019,…

Venezuela: Millions at risk, at home and abroad
2019 InterAction Award Winners
Every year, InterAction’s annual awards recognizes outstanding leaders within the global development and humanitarian sectors. These individuals are leaders who…