NGO Community Recommendations on World Bank Group Fragility, Conflict, and Violence Strategy
On June 26, 2019, InterAction hosted the World Bank Group and 30 NGOs for a conversation on the World Bank’s Fragility, Conflict, and…
The Global Fragility Act of 2019 (GFA)
The Global Fragility Act (GFA) passed the House of Representatives on May 20, 2019. The bill would streamline and improve programs and efforts within the USG to address violent conflict overseas using a “3D” approach of development, diplomacy, and defense. With bipartisan support, the bill has moved out of the House.
InterAction Endorses COP28 Declaration on Climate, Relief, Recovery & Peace
This year’s United Nations Climate Change conference, or the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28), is the first to include…
Interaction & ICVA Call on World Bank Group to Update Operational Model
As the planet breaks previous seasonal heat records and forced displacement affects a record…
A Cry for Infant Feeding Support in Humanitarian Response Efforts
For decades, infant formula has been perceived as the easiest way for mothers to support their infants during times of…
InterAction Member Recommendations for the Haiti Humanitarian Response
The crisis in Haiti is multidimensional, fueled by a combination of endemic poverty, sociopolitical unrest, fuel shortages, and long-term economic…
Implementing the Locally-Led Agenda Will Require Paradigmatic Changes
Centering local leadership and ownership of foreign assistance and programming is vital to more effective international development and peacebuilding. The…
InterAction Applauds New USAID Draft Global Water Strategy Agency Plan
InterAction applauds the unveiling of the draft of USAID’s Global Water Strategy (GWS) Agency Plan. The updated GWS improves upon…
CEO Conversation: Progress on PREPARE
The most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports on mitigation and adaptation have shown that the…