Heartland Alliance SCALE Up Presentation: Colombia and Iraq
This is a presentation of Heartland Alliance's SCALE-UP InterAction subgrant. Organizations looking to strengthen their safeguarding systems may find this presentation helpful as it outlines Heartland's process.
Moving Forward Together, Leaving No One Behind: From Stigmatization to Social Cohesion in Post-Conflict Iraq
InterAction conducted field research in Erbil, Mosul, Kirkuk, Baghdad, Anbar, and Karbala from July 23-August 9, 2018 to assess the most pressing protection issues.
Empowering Frontline Staff: A Pathway to Better Community Engagement
In humanitarian organizations, frontline staff are the people most directly responsible for engaging with affected communities. They play a crucial…
Defense Department Releases First-Ever Policy on Civilian Harm Mitigation
The long-anticipated Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) on Civilian Harm Mitigation and Response (CHMR),…
What Does It Mean To Be A Humanitarian?
August 19 marks World Humanitarian Day, a time to recognize humanitarians’ meaningful work and the risks they take every day.
Reflecting on 16 Years of Policy Advocacy
How can non-governmental organization (NGO) ideals and collective thinking become a positive and influential force in advancing policies that help…
Transatlantic Dialogue Highlights Importance of Legislative Oversight over the Protection of Civilians
Earlier today, the United Kingdom’s All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Drones and Modern Conflict hosted a UK-U.S. legislators’ dialogue…
A Reflection on Accountability for Chemical Weapon Use in Syria
November 30, the Day of Remembrance of all Victims of Chemical Warfare, is an opportunity to reflect on the…
Letter to National Security Advisor Sullivan on Evacuations of Vulnerable Afghans
On October 28, 2021, over 100 non-governmental organizations, including InterAction, sent the following letter to U.S. National Security Advisor Jake…