5 Questions About InterAction’s Work with IFAD in East Africa
Under a two-year partnership with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), InterAction is working with agricultural advocacy organizations…

An Intersectoral Approach to Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
Conflict and violence around the globe have left about 47.2 million children displaced, 15 million of which are refugees. Of those 15 million children, 40% are out of school. The effects of displacement can be severe and far-reaching, impacting children’s mental and physical health as well as cognitive development, with significant follow-on effects on learning outcomes.

Open Letter to the Member States of the U.N. General Assembly, on behalf of the IASC Principals
The brutal hostilities we are seeing in multiple conflicts around the world have exposed a terrible truth: We are living in an era of impunity. Attacks that kill or injure civilians, including humanitarian and health-care personnel, are devastatingly common. Yet despite widespread condemnation, serious violations of the rules of war too often go unpunished.

The Missing Link: Early Childhood Development in Child Protection Humanitarian Assistance
In January 2021, the U.S. Congress enacted the Global Child Thrive Act. This landmark legislation aims to…

Joint NGO Submission under National Security Memorandum 20
As humanitarian organizations operating in Gaza, it is our experience that the humanitarian response in Gaza, including U.S. funded humanitarian assistance, has been consistently and arbitrarily denied, restricted, and impeded by the Israeli authorities.

Understanding Successful Locally Led Humanitarian Responses
“Localization is when [local NGOs] implement interventions and access funding at the same pace as [international NGOs]. It is…

75 NGOs Urge Congress to Fund Humanitarian & Food Assistance Programs in Next Supplemental
InterAction—the largest alliance of U.S.-based NGOs dedicated to implementing and advocating for U.S. humanitarian, health, development, and democracy programs—and its…

In Search of Local Leadership
“Local organizations must continue to try to implement projects that generate self-sustainability [and] build more robust alliances, without losing…

World Water Week Opens Amidst World Water Woes
Water, water every where, Nor any drop to drink. -Samuel Taylor Coleridge, The Rime…