Humanitarian Action

Humanitarian Action

Humanitarian Action 101
Humanitarian Action Conundrums: Neutrality
In the current moment, when it seems that everything, including tasks as simple as washing your hands or wearing a…

International Development and Humanitarian Action Overview

Language in Protective Humanitarian Action: Practical lessons from Myanmar, Bangladesh and Northeast Nigeria
Speakers explore the importance of language in humanitarian contexts.
NGOs, Humanitarian Action, and Risk Management
Today, humanitarian crises are characterized by increasing risk and uncertainty. Whether in Afghanistan or Yemen, responding to humanitarian needs means…

U.N. Security Council Passes Resolution Safeguarding Humanitarian Action Across All U.N. Sanctions Regimes
Nearly 222 million people across 53 countries will require humanitarian assistance next year, marking a 25% increase in both need…

The U.S. Supports a Deadly, Saudi-Led War in Yemen
A public accounting for Saudi Arabia's conduct in Yemen is critical, and evidence by experts outside the U.S. government should be considered when determining future certifications. InterAction member organizations and other civil society groups should support congressional hearings on this matter and weigh in with both Congress and the State Department about their concerns in Yemen.