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Statement on UN Security Council Resolution 2449

The following statement was signed by Members of InterAction, the largest alliance of international NGOs and partners in the United…

December 18, 2019
Blog Post

U.N. Security Council Passes Resolution Safeguarding Humanitarian Action Across All U.N. Sanctions Regimes

Nearly 222 million people across 53 countries will require humanitarian assistance next year, marking a 25% increase in both need…

December 9, 2022
A view of the U.N. Security Council members signaling their abstention. They sit in an open circle in the U.N.'s New York office.
Blog Post

A Hidden Reality: Men, Boys & Conflict-Related Sexual Violence

“In 2021, continued recourse to military rather than diplomatic and political means led to displacement on a significant scale,…

June 26, 2023
Blog Post

A Reflection on Accountability for Chemical Weapon Use in Syria

November 30, the Day of Remembrance of all Victims of Chemical Warfare, is an opportunity to reflect on the…

November 30, 2021
Blog Post

A Wrong Inflicted: Mass Starvation in the 21st Century

Alex de Waal writes that modern famines do not occur by chance, but are rather the consequence of deliberate acts committed by political-military elites in pursuit of their strategic objectives.

May 3, 2019
Blog Post

Access to Aid: A Cornerstone of Civilian-Centered U.S. Diplomacy

In 2022, humanitarian needs in Sudan were already at the highest level in a decade. Suffering largely…

April 15, 2024
Blog Post

An Invisible Threat

Chemical weapons (C.W.) invoke a unique, inherent fear in people in a way most conventional weapons do not, making…

November 30, 2019
Blog Post

Attention to the Democratic Republic of Congo is Needed Yesterday

InterAction and its Member organizations are launching a comprehensive social media campaign to raise and sustain attention to the impact of the conflict in eastern DRC on civilians and civilian infrastructure. The campaign comes on the heels of a visit to the country by InterAction’s CEO, Tom Hart.

June 3, 2024
Blog Post

Climate Change and Environment Resource Page

InterAction is organizing resources for Members to use as they expand their work to address climate change in their programs…

March 6, 2020
Blog Post

Conflict-Induced Hunger: Linking the War in Ukraine to the Global Food Insecurity Crisis

Currently, 50 million people worldwide face the risk of famine, a reality exacerbated by the war in Ukraine. After…

August 29, 2022