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Blog Post

Closing the Global Digital Divide for Universal Gain

In 2022, only 36% of the population in the least developed countries (LDCs) was online, compared to…

May 17, 2023


April 8, 2019
Blog Post

Beyond #ZeroHunger

World Food Day serves as a reminder of the continued, crucial development of food security programming across the world.

October 16, 2019

Congress Must Put an End to Administration’s Prosecution and Detention of Asylum Seekers

"The trauma caused to children and families seeking refuge in our nation by these policies will have ramifications for generations to come."

June 21, 2018
Three men and a woman facing large metal structure separating the U.S. and Mexico
Blog Post

Highlights from InterAction Forum 2018: USAID’s Mark Green, Innovative Finance Pitch Competition and More

Highlights from one of D.C.'s largest gatherings of international development and humanitarian professionals.

June 19, 2018
three women and a man pose for a photo in front of a step and repeat
Blog Post

InterAction Members’ Response to COVID-19

This is a running list of our Members' responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.

March 20, 2020

More Than 70 Organizations Oppose Proposed Cut-Off in Foreign Assistance to Central America

Cutting off poverty-alleviating and violence-reducing assistance in Central America runs counter to American values and interests.

April 1, 2019
school children stand at a railing smiling

Statement By Leading Humanitarian And Development Organizations Against Any Rescissions Within Foreign Assistance Budget

As implementers and advocates for humanitarian and development assistance, we urge the Administration to reconsider recent steps to freeze funds…

August 8, 2019