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Blog Post

How the World Bank Group Can Ensure Displaced People Are Not Left Behind

The world witnessed historically high levels of forced displacement in the last decade, resulting in human suffering and heightened stress…

June 1, 2021


March 22, 2022
Blog Post

Humanitarian Crisis Mounts Amid Escalating Violence In Burkina Faso

Increasing attacks have led to a rapidly-growing human displacement and humanitarian crisis in the once relatively peaceful nation.

February 25, 2019
In Burkina Faso, a large group ranchers and herders gather in an open space.

InterAction CEO: Conflict on the Turkish-Syrian Border Must End Through Peaceful Political Process

CEO of InterAction, Sam Worthington, issued the following statement regarding military incursion on the Turkish-Syrian border. “InterAction strongly urges all…

October 10, 2019

InterAction Joins Multi-Stakeholder Pledge on Climate Action at Global Refugee Forum

InterAction, the largest U.S.-based alliance of international NGOs and partners, is pleased to announce that it will submit a pledge…

December 13, 2023
Blog Post

InterAction Members Highlight Rohingya Pledge at Global Refugee Forum

The first Global Refugee Forum (GRF) was held in 2019 where stakeholders announced pledges toward the Global Compact on Refugees.

December 12, 2023
Blog Post

InterAction Members Raise Awareness on the Five-Year Anniversary of the Rohingya Refugee Crisis

The Rohingya refugee crisis has entered its fifth year, with over 1.1 million Rohingya displaced from Myanmar since an…

August 26, 2022

InterAction applauds Congressional Action to Minimize Civilian Harm in 2018 Defense Bill

InterAction welcomes the positive developments to minimize civilian harm in conflict in the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), and…

December 12, 2017
Blog Post

InterAction’s Response to COVID-19

In unprecedented times like these, InterAction and our Members have the opportunity to learn and strategize together. Below are upcoming Working…

October 15, 2020
Blog Post

Interaction & ICVA Call on World Bank Group to Update Operational Model

As the planet breaks previous seasonal heat records and forced displacement affects a record…

November 7, 2023