Results-Based Protection
Announcing InterAction’s New Results-Based Protection Website
It’s here! InterAction is excited to announce the launch of its revamped Results-Based Protection (RBP) website. Click HERE to…

Announcing the Winners of the 2020 Results-Based Protection Good Practice Contest
Congratulations to our winners of the 2020 Results-Based Protection Good Practice Contest! In September 2020, for the first time, InterAction…

Contest: Results-Based Protection Good Practice Examples
Attention, all protection enthusiasts (You too, gender-based violence; child protection; mine action; and housing, land, & property experts)! For the…

InterAction’s Results-Based Protection Field Support
In April 2019, InterAction’s Results-Based Protection (RBP) team received funding from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) to carry…

Results-Based Protection Resource Playlist
This playlist is a collection of nine useful resources for practitioners interested in learning about and applying results-based approaches to protection.

What is Results-Based Protection?
Results-based protection is a problem-solving approach used to address complexity and the ever-changing environment that surrounds protection issues in humanitarian action.

Trapped in Conflict: Evaluating Scenarios to Assist At-Risk Civilians
In April 2015, the International Committee of the Red Cross and InterAction convened a closed-door roundtable to discuss options for…

Using Human-Centered Design in Protection Programming
Desirable protection outcomes in a time of prolonged armed conflict and civilian harm can be achieved with practical and creative…