
Resource Library

This resource library serves as a tool for InterAction Members to support their efforts on safeguarding in the aid sector.

Please note: most resources on the resource library are open source and do not require registration to access. To access our open-source materials, click the download button next to the resource you would like. If a resource has a lock symbol with the text “Members Only” next to it, InterAction Members can access this resource by logging in or registering. Non-members cannot access these resources and will not be approved when registering.

This library serves as a hub where stakeholders and NGO teams can access resources related to safeguarding. These resources include guidance documents, training templates, and other tools designed to help organizations and NGO staff tackle issues on sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment.

The resource library provides open access to tools and other useful information. It is designed to strengthen the humanitarian and development sector’s capacity to prevent and respond to incidents of sexual harassment and abuse.

Only InterAction Members can access the locked content in the Resource Library. If you are an InterAction Member, please register using your work email address. If you would like to explore becoming an InterAction Member, please contact Burt Blanchard at

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Your Role in PSEAH Session


This session is intended for use by PSEAH/safeguarding leads to train staff at their organization. The goals of the session are as follows: 1. Staff gain a deeper understanding of PSEAH. 2. Staff develop an understanding of how PSEAH is integral to your organization’s mission and work. 3. Staff begin to see a connection between their work and PSEAH. This session is designed to be about an hour and can be done virtually or in-person. This session is intended to be customizable to your organization’s needs. The slides provided are all with InterAction’s branding – however, please feel free to edit the slides to align with your organization’s branding needs. Several slides are either blank or have information that is specific to InterAction – please insert information relevant to your organization in each of these slides.

Safeguarding in Faith-Based Organizations: Benefits, Challenges, and Shared Learning


In faith-based organizations (FBOs), these organizational values are often influenced by faith principles. This case study examines and highlights how organizational values within FBOs influence their safeguarding activities and approach. Five InterAction Member organizations participated in this case study: World Vision United States, Islamic Relief USA, Habitat for Humanity International, Food for the Hungry, and Episcopal Relief and Development. Each organization has a unique affiliation with its respective faith and uses this affiliation in creative ways when approaching safeguarding programming.

AAPSM Fact Sheet 2021

This document from USAID provides a quick overview of USAIDs sexual misconduct policies.

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Staff Perception Survey

In late 2019, InterAction hired Keystone Accountability, an organization specialized in feedback systems, to develop a questionnaire and accompanying guidance notes. This includes:

(1) A full questionnaire of the staff perception survey on sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment in their organizations.
(2) A facilitation guide for follow-up dialogues with staff.
(3) A guidance note for international NGOs.

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Introduction to Organizational Prevention of Sexual Harassment, Exploitation, and Abuse

This document from InterAction is a brief introduction to instituting PSEA measures in your organization. Please note that this document will be updated soon.

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PSEA in the Employee Lifecycle: Action Against Hunger

These tools from Action Against Hunger help organizations mainstream PSEA during the employee lifecycle. They include:

Webpage Commitment
Talent Acquisition
Performance Management
Motivation and Retention
HR & Organization PSEA Guide

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Scenario-Based Recruitment Questions

This document contains a set of scenario-based questions for HR recruitment interviews
The purpose of these questions is to help recruiters be more discerning with their selection of job candidates and these questions should help interviewees see beyond the usual standard responses by digging much deeper into attitudes, values, and competencies of candidates in this case particularly around SEAH. The guiding questions here are meant to complement good recruitment practices; PSEAH (prevention of sexual abuse, exploitation, and harassment) and thorough
safeguarding practice.

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Safeguarding in Faith-Based Organizations: Benefits, Challenges, and Shared Learning

In faith-based organizations (FBOs), these organizational values are often influenced by faith principles. This case study examines and highlights how organizational values within FBOs influence their safeguarding activities and approach. Five InterAction Member organizations participated in this case study: World Vision United States, Islamic Relief USA, Habitat for Humanity International, Food for the Hungry, and Episcopal Relief and Development. Each organization has a unique affiliation with its respective faith and uses this affiliation in creative ways when approaching safeguarding programming.

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Care: Workplace Culture Toolkit

This workshop guide equips PSHEA and Safeguarding, and Gender equality focal points in CARE country offices with activities to design, deliver, monitor and evaluate awareness raising and training workshops with the purpose of:

reflection and dialogue on the links between inequitable masculinities, power and Sexual Harassment
Exploitation and Abuse (SHEA) in the workplace and in CARE’s programs
contributing to changes in staff attitudes and behavior in support of gender equality, diversity and inclusion for
all, including sexual and gender minorities
building understanding and awareness to ensure that CARE’s workplaces and programmatic interventions are
free from SHEA
strengthening women’s leadership within CARE.

This toolkit has three parts:

Part one: deals with key themes related to organizational culture such as gender, patriarchy, masculinity, and PSHEA/Safeguarding.

Part two: focuses specifically on masculinity and mens role in nurturing a safe organizational culture and work environment.

Part three: focuses specifically on resources, management, and leadership.

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UNHCR Investigating Allegations of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse: A Toolkit for Partners

This is a e-learning course available on Please follow this link to make an account and access the course: Ready ( There is further information provided in the PDF.

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IMC and Concern Safeguarding Focal Point Training: Spanish

This document contains the Spanish translation of the IMC and Concern Safeguarding Focal Point Training.

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Case Study: From Crisis Management to Feminist Leadership at Oxfam

This case study focused on how the CEO of Oxfam America, Abby Maxman used feminist leadership to advance safeguarding initiatives at Oxfam. It will be a useful case study for organizations that are looking to understand how leadership can impact safeguarding and a humanitarian and/or development organization.

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