World Leaders Will Soon Gather for G7 and G20 summits. Here’s What They Need to Consider.
A group of 54 NGOs are calling on the U.S. to take a leading role to encourage G7 and G20 leaders to take action on key global challenges.

Regional Mini Forums Help Identify Rural Producers’ Needs in Tanzania
Over the past year, InterAction has been implementing a grant with local partners in East Africa to build producers’ organizations’…

2023 G7 and G20 Summit Policy Papers and Recommendations
The 2023 G7 and G20 summits come at a time of immense global challenges. The world is at a tipping…

Decolonizing Evaluation: 4 Takeaways from a Donor Panel
Over the past few years, a growing chorus of voices calling for the decolonization of aid has…

G7 Policy Paper: 2022 G7 Summit Recommendations
The 2022 G7 is quickly emerging as a critical moment for G7 countries and the world. The global economy is…

Introducing the New NGO Aid Map
In late 2019, InterAction began transforming the NGO Aid Map to better serve the needs and interests of the NGO…

Let’s Hear From The Farmers
Eric Bapfakurera has known farmers and been around farming for as long as he can remember. However, ask him when…

Building the Capacity of East African Smallholder Producers’ Organizations
Since late 2019, InterAction has worked to build the capacity of East African smallholder producers’ organizations (P.O.s) to engage more…

What Is Next For NGO Aid Map?
Over the past decade, NGO Aid Map has served as a one-stop-shop for tracking the NGO sector’s work around the…