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Blog Post

Faith and Child Safeguarding

Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults from abuse and exploitation is a priority for all humanitarian and development organizations. It is…

December 22, 2021
Blog Post

CEO Pledge on Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment by and of NGO Staff

The CEO Pledge on Preventing Sexual Abuse, Exploitation, and Harassment by and of NGO Staff represents our commitment to practices and policies that will not only protect our own staff, but also the communities we serve.

March 28, 2018
Blog Post

Climate Change and Environment Resource Page

InterAction is organizing resources for Members to use as they expand their work to address climate change in their programs…

March 6, 2020
Blog Post

Ending GBV: Mobilizing Faith Leaders and Communities

Violence against women and girls (VAWG) is a global issue that affects 1 in 3 women in their lifetime…

December 5, 2022

Faith and Child Safeguarding Leadership for Institutional and Grassroots Implementation

November 22, 2021
Blog Post

InterAction Members Respond to Hurricane Dorian

On September 1, Hurricane Dorian made first landfall on Elbow Cay, in the Abacos of the northwestern Bahamas. Dorian…

September 4, 2019
Blog Post

InterAction Members’ Response to COVID-19

This is a running list of our Members' responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.

March 20, 2020
Blog Post

Launching the Human Rights Framework for Preventing and Responding to Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment

International Women’s Day provides us the opportunity to reflect on the progress made and challenges that remain in achieving gender…

March 7, 2022
Blog Post

Safeguarding in Faith-Based Organizations

The prevention of sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment (PSEAH) of program participants is a priority for the international non-governmental organization…

November 8, 2021

Safeguarding in Faith-Based Organizations: Benefits, Challenges, and Shared Learning

In faith-based organizations (FBOs), these organizational values are often influenced by faith principles. This case study examines and highlights how organizational values within FBOs influence their safeguarding activities and approach. Five InterAction Member organizations participated in this case study: World Vision United States, Islamic Relief USA, Habitat for Humanity International, Food for the Hungry, and Episcopal Relief and Development. Each organization has a unique affiliation with its respective faith and uses this affiliation in creative ways when approaching safeguarding programming.

November 5, 2021