Photo by Vijay Richhiya is licensed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license.

Together Project

Most international NGOs are familiar with the difficulties around financial access known as “bank derisking”—the closure of U.S. bank accounts or challenges sending program funds abroad due to banks’ fears of getting caught in sanctions regimes.

The Together Project was formed in response to those concerns and has grown to encompass a broader range of issues that close civil society space for NGOs, including targeted disinformation attacks, federal court cases under the Anti-Terrorism Act, and the Foreign Agents Registration Act. The Project represents a hub of advocacy and solidarity for U.S.-based NGOs providing vital development and humanitarian relief around the world that also confront discrimination or disproportionate impacts of regulations in the U.S. due to the populations they serve or their religious faith.

Members involved in the Together Project help steer the agenda, share information, and develop strategies in response to these issues. They participate in Congressional outreach, advocacy, and educational efforts, ensuring that their voices are heard.

The Project has opened more space for humanitarian, development, and peacebuilding work in sanctioned contexts or where designated terrorist groups are present, including securing authorizations for many financial transactions necessary to this work. The Together Project has also developed a rapport with several U.S. government agencies and Congressional offices and is sought as a thought leader on these issues.


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Empowering Civil Society

Understanding Disinformation in the INGO Sector

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Senior Manager, Civic Space