February in Review: A New InterAction.Org, Oral History Initiative, CEO Survey
The latest news and updates from the InterAction team.
2023 CEO Insights on NGO Futures: Adapting in a Changing World
International nongovernmental organization (INGO) CEOs agree—their organization’s operating environment is changing. The funding environment is changing. And in response, they…
InterAction’s CEO PSEAH Pledge—Three Year Update
In March 2018, InterAction launched its CEO Pledge on Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment (PSEAH). Signed by 140…
A Sector in Transition: InterAction CEOS on Leading Organizations in a Changing World
From December 2019 to January 2020, 76 InterAction Member organization executives shared insights into continuing shifts in the international non-governmental…
InterAction’s Continued Support of Locally-led Development and Shifting Power
To truly advance the locally-led development agenda, it is essential for the NGO sector to acknowledge the power asymmetries…
Five Essential Attributes to Expand Impact and Advance in a Disrupted World
To not only survive but thrive as mission-driven, world-changing nonprofits, one thing is clear—we are in the age of adaptation.
What Global Trends are Altering the NGO Operating Environment?
Major 2019 global trend reports are consistent – this is an urgent time of change. External operating environments around the world are undergoing dramatic shifts. How organizations do or do not respond presents opportunity or challenge. This is a high-stakes time for proactive navigation.
Welcoming InterAction’s Six New Board Members
At InterAction’s annual Members Meeting on June 25, we said goodbye to eight Board Members and welcomed six new Members.
One Year After Russia’s Invasion: InterAction Member Recommendations for Ukraine Response
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has left 17.7 million people in need of humanitarian assistance, internally displaced 5.4 million people, and…